Buddhist Institute Retreats with Ven. Geshe Phelgye

Quarterly Retreat: Summer 2022
The Essence on the Stages of the Path
We invite you to our Summer Retreat for serious Dharma practitioners. Teachings will be held in person and live via Zoom Saturdays at 9 AM, July 23 – August 27, 2022.
Je Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa (1357-1419), the founder of the Gelug Tradition, was one of the most outstanding scholars and yogis of all time, the crown Jewel of the scholars of Tibet, the Land of Snow. Lamrim Chemo – The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment being the essence of JeTsongkhapa’s brilliantly illuminated commentaries on Buddha’s teachings, the Foundation of All Good Qualities is the shortest form of the Lamrim.
In this spectacular summer retreat, Venerable Geshe-la Phelge will guide us through a concise and stirring outline of the Lamrim Chemo in The Foundation of All Good Qualities with just fourteen stanzas of pure unbroken blessing linage directly from Je Tsongkhapa himself through to our Guru’s Guru His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to our dear Venerable Geshe-la Phelgye, now to us.
Don’t miss this once-in-countless-lifetimes opportunity! Register NOW! Time itself isn’t as precious.
Register Below to Attend:
Kindly complete the registration form below to join us remotely via Zoom or in person at the Buddhist Institute. We will send zoom links to students attending remotely in a separate email after receiving your registration form.
PAST ATTENDEE?: Please take note
*KINDLY NOTE: a new registration form is unnecessary for past retreat attendees. Please email Yangzom at info@universalcompassion.org if unsure or you have any questions. Thank you.
Buddhist Institute: Quarterly Retreats

Our quarterly Retreats are for sincere and advanced Dharma practitioners who seek deeper practices in their path. These retreats are additional for those ready for more advanced meditation and practices, such as the Vajrayana paths. Hence for the best benefit of joining these retreats, we recommend candidates who already have a solid grounding on the Buddhist path.
Geshe-la is happy to help any Dharma seeker, even individually, at any time. Regardless of skill level, Buddhist knowledge, or spiritual practice. He is a very skillful and caring teacher who speaks straightforwardly to you, intending to help you grow.
“I have studied with Geshela Phelgye since shortly after he moved here nearly 10 years ago! I am incredibly grateful to have crossed paths with him, and for the compassion and wisdom he is always so generously willing to share. Geshela is a great teacher, mentor, and friend, and his teachings are always filled with wisdom, heart, and humor. A great place to learn and study authentic Buddhist teachings in a supportive community of people!”
Iain Finnigan
Inspired to Donate? HHere’show:
Geshela offers all teachings free of charge at the Buddhist Institute. However, if you feel inspired to extend your support, we welcome any generous contribution to help us facilitate the BBuddha’sDharma to benefit all beings. To donate safely, click the PayPal button below or email us at info@universalcompassion.org.
About our teacher: Geshe Thupten Phelgye
Venerable Prof. Geshe Phelgye, compassion activist and former Member of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, joined Sera-Jey Monastic University at 17. To begin, he initially received his novice ordination in 1974 from the senior tutor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Kyabje Ling Rinpoche). Next, he received his full ordination from H.H. the Dalai Lama in 1976. He then studied rigorously for a minimum of 12 hours per day for the next 18 years, notably earning his Geshe degree (doctorate) in 1991.
In 1984, Geshe-la pioneered the campaign for vegetarianism in Tibetan monasteries as part of the practice of compassion towards animals. Geshe-la received a private audience with H.H. the Dalai Lama, who advised him to teach in the west when ready.
However, in 1993, with blessings and guidance from H.H. The Dalai Lama, he went on a hermitage meditation retreat in a cave in the mountains above Dharamsala. A solitary retreat is where Geshe-la would remain for the next five years with one meal a day.
In 1998, after receiving appreciation and blessings from H.H. the Dalai Lama, he founded what was initially called the Universal Compassion Movement (UCM) in Dharamsala. UCM campaigned for vegetarianism as a compassionate lifestyle to curtail animal slaughtering. Similarly, UCF has worked with People for Animal India and Peta USA, including helping to set up Peta India, located in Mumbai.
In 2011 Gonzaga University invited him to teach, offering a residence. Later Eastern Washington University asked him where he currently teaches as a lecturer. In 2017, Geshe-la opened the Buddhist Institute of Universal Compassion, a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Spokane, WA.
To learn more about our teacher Geshe-la, visit his Wikipedia page here.